Österreichische Bundesverlag enlists FIEGE for the delivery of schoolbooks

Just in time for the start of a new school season, roughly nine million schoolbooks are delivered every year in Austria. FIEGE will be handling this in the future for Österreichische Bundesverlag (öbv), a publishing house that specialises in educational textbooks.
Around 1.2 million children and youngsters are currently attending schools in Austria. Every time the next school year starts after the summer holidays, roughly nine million freshly printed schoolbooks need to be waiting for them in their classrooms. Österreichische Bundesverlag has now enlisted FIEGE for the logistical complexities behind this mammoth task.
Maximilian Schulyok, General Manager öbv explains: “FIEGE won us over especially with their experience in Consumer Goods. The company is used to covering peak demand seasons like Christmas. That is why we are convinced that FIEGE will capably handle the at times very high order volumes for sending out schoolbooks, and that all öbv schoolbooks will reach their respective classroom destinations very much on time.”
Michael Jahn, Managing Director FIEGE Austria adds: “We are thrilled about the long-term partnership with Österreichische Bundesverlag, which underlines our competence in media logistics.” The 150-year-old family business from Greven in Westphalia is one of Europe’s leading logistics companies. From its world-wide workforce of around 23,000, a good 70 are working in Austria. “öbv, a publishing house of long tradition stands for stability and continuity– just like FIEGE – which makes this an ideal match. As a logistics provider experienced in multi-channel services, we are able to support öbv’s distribution structures with optimum efficiency and boost its long-range business development with our innovative spirit”, Jahn says.