FIEGE AI Guidelines

The focus is on people

20 Kacheln, auf denen unter anderem LKW, das Innere von Warenalgern und Roboter zu sehen sind, also alle die Punkte, an denen man in der FIEGE Welt mit KI in Berührung kommen kann.

With artificial intelligence (AI), a new technology is entering the world of work and life that will change our society in an unprecedented way. At FIEGE, AI is already playing an important and growing role. In order to make profitable use of the new opportunities offered by AI, we are developing innovative solutions and products that support our employees in their daily work on the one hand, and offer our customers and partners additional added value on the other.

Our most important premise is to keep people at the centre of everything we do. To ensure this, we have defined five binding guidelines that provide a controlled framework for the use of AI in our company.

These guidelines describe how we use AI and how we intend to develop our AI-based products and services in the future. We view AI as a neutral tool whose impact depends on how responsibly we use it. It is up to us to use AI responsibly so that it supports and enriches users in their respective areas of responsibility, while being mindful of the risks involved.

Our guidelines focus on five principles: explainability, transparency, justice, data privacy, and robustness. In this way, we ensure that we always use AI in a way that is consistent with our corporate values and promotes the well-being of our employees, customers, partners and all stakeholders.

Decisions and recommendations based on algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) must be comprehensible and explainable.

Zwei schwarze rechteckige Sprechblasen, von denen die rechte drei Punkte enthält.

Transparency promotes trust. The areas and specific applications in which AI is used are communicated openly and clearly.

Ein in schwarz umrissenes Auge.

The use of AI should help to make fair and equitable decisions and counteract prejudice. Incorrect data and distorting or discriminatory representations and the use of algorithms that do not meet these objectives should be recognised and excluded.

Ein schwarzer Richterhammer.

Compliance with the statutory and agreed provisions and regulations for the protection of personal data and other data to be protected is an essential prerequisite for the use of AI.

Ein schwarzes Schloss mit Schlüsselloch.

The AI used should be able to withstand disruptions and manipulation of any kind. The security and robustness of the AI ensure a high level of trust in the systems and processes used.

Ein schwarzes Schutzschild wie es Ritter tragen.