Our path to greater fairness

Code of Conduct, FIEGE Trust Centre and Compliance Management System
There are many reasons for the success of our company. One such crucial reason is the responsible and fair conduct towards colleagues at work, towards our business partners, and in public.
Therefore, compliance has undergone a dynamic evolution here at FIEGE over the past years. While still rather unknown a few years ago only, the term compliance nowadays has become integral to Good Corporate Governance and a central element of day-to-day business for all organisations.
By definition, compliance encompasses the adherence to applicable laws and regulatory requirements. It goes without saying that this definition is equally imperative for the companies of the FIEGE Group and their respective employees. It constitutes a basic prerequisite – on the one hand regarding good relationships within FIEGE, and on the other regarding the relationship with our clients and business partners.
The premise for corporate compliance is a Compliance Management System. It is geared towards the prevention of legal violations and cases of potential liability and is to empower corporate management to intervene when suspicions have been raised. Positive effects of a Compliance Management System include not only the mitigation of liability risks for the company and its management, but also the safeguarding and cultivation of the company’s reputation in relation to its stakeholders, and here in particular business partners, lenders, and investors.
Code of Conduct
It is our central concern to maintain and further develop the high esteem in which the FIEGE Group is held. The Code of Conduct provides our employees with guidance in an increasingly complex world. The rules of conduct formulated in the Code form a common guideline for responsible behavior in business life, but also outside of it.
FIEGE Trust Centre
The FIEGE Group has set up a trust centre which is available to all employees. It works to uphold compliance through the code of conduct as formulated in the FIEGE Code of Conduct.
We encourage all employees to escalate their questions or uncertainties concerning irregular behaviour with their line managers or directly with the trust centre.
Points of contact:
Sebastian Wiesmann (Compliance Management System Coordination)
Christian Jansen (Director Internal Audit)
Stefan Sudmann (Director Labour Relations)
E-mail: compliance@fiege.com
Telephone: +49 – (0)2571 – 999 444
or by mail, if preferred anonymously, addressed to:
FIEGE Logistik Stiftung & Co. KG
Joan-Joseph-Fiege-Strasse 1
48268 Greven
or (also in anonymous form) via the following link at our whistleblower platform.
FIEGE Compliance Management System
The Code of Conduct is also the foundation of the FIEGE Compliance Management System. It consists of the international Compliance Board as an advisory and decision-making body, the coordination office as a central contact point, the trust offices of the respective country organizations as well as the compliance contacts in the individual subsidiaries. For the relevant compliance areas, not only national but also international compliance officers are appointed for all country organizations.