FIEGE Switzerland is on the move electrically

Electromobility as a central component
The topic of sustainability has been high on FIEGE's list of priorities for more than 25 years. The former company managers Heinz and Dr. Hugo Fiege were awarded the title of Eco Manager of the Year back in 1996 for their efforts in resource-conserving contract logistics. FIEGE, headquartered in Greven, Westphalia, is now more committed than ever to handing over an economically healthy and climate-neutral company to the next generation. Electromobility is a key component in achieving this goal. The first e-truck for FIEGE Switzerland recently rolled through the cantons.
Get in and join us on our test drive in the Bieler Seeland with the new e-truck from FIEGE Switzerland.
Individual transport and distribution solutions in Switzerland
We offer you many years of extensive expertise in the national distribution of a wide range of goods and industries. With our own and exclusively employed contract drivers, we transport your goods reliably, safely and accurately.
Our services for you
We offer you a wide range of transportation solutions. Together, we will find the optimum solution that is tailored to your needs.