Sustainable logistics facilities

Our concepts for resource-friendly construction and sustainable modernisation.
The future is green – even in construction. We aim to pioneer a viable change in the world of real estate. To develop future-proof properties, we think sustainability from an ecological, economic and social perspective. And we apply certified quality standards (DGNB, LEED, BREEAM, WELL Building). With smart optimisation, we also lower the use of energy in existing buildings.
Sustainable new building
We plan and develop new facilities from scratch with sustainability and maximum efficiency in mind to guarantee their future-proof use.
Sustainable modernisation
We can turn even existing properties into much more energy-efficient buildings with intelligent retrofitting. Shape up for new challenges!
Quality Economics
We examine all economic aspects to ensure optimised lifecycle costs.
Quality Ecology
The optimised selection of building materials and components reduces our consumption of resources.
Quality Social Culture
Whether building or managing, we always look out for our employees’ well-being and social considerations.
Quality Technology
We pay attention to the highest standards of quality – from planning to construction to operation.