Bernhard Gold to boost FIEGE’s Ventures business unit

The FIEGE Group is expanding its Ventures activities and has brought Dr Bernhard Gold on board. The venture capital expert will oversee XPRESS Ventures, F-LOG Ventures and Strategic Ventures at a corporate level.
The FIEGE Group has won over Dr Bernhard Gold as Managing Director for the Ventures business unit. For the past 13 years, the 50-year-old has worked at different venture capital companies in Silicon Valley. At FIEGE, Gold will pool XPRESS Ventures (Company Building), F-LOG Ventures (venture capital funds) and Strategic Ventures at corporate level to oversee all activities of the three vehicles. The Greven-based logistics company is thus further expanding its autonomous Ventures business unit which was called to life in 2017. Next to contract logistics as its core business, it is thus one of the corporate pillars alongside Real Estate and Digital Services.

The FIEGE Group is expanding its Ventures activities and has brought Dr Bernhard Gold on board. (photo: FIEGE)
“I am very much looking forward to my new task of supporting FIEGE in further growing their already diverse and highly successful VC activities in addition to discovering new technology and growth areas for the company. So much is happening right now, especially in the relatively new ventures markets for LogTech, Mobility and Climate Tech, all of which will play a crucial role in the future of not only FIEGE. One of the fundamental challenges will be to find the best possible solutions and applications for FIEGE together with the existing team”, Gold says.
FIEGE’s Ventures business unit is composed of the Company Builder, XPRESS Ventures; the VC fund, F-LOG Ventures; and the Strategic Ventures unit. Felix Fiege, Co-CEO of the FIEGE Group, specifies: “The time has come for us to take the next step and grow our Ventures business unit. It is our goal to be the market’s all-round point of contact for start-ups in the various stages of their life cycles and look out for new and disruptive business models. We are thrilled to have inspired Bernhard to join our team. With his many years of experience in the venture capital market, his input will be decisive in helping us pool all activities in this field.” And Jens Fiege, Co-CEO of the FIEGE Group, adds: “Being close to the ecosystem of start-ups is material to our innovation strategy through which we will ready our business for the future. We are convinced to have found the perfect person for this position in Bernhard.”
Gold was born in Munich. While studying business at LMU Munich, he helped to build CyberProfit AG in the capacity of co-founder and CEO and later wrote a thesis on innovation management and corporate venture capital for his doctorate. After his studies, he oversaw the marketing of Internet services at T-Online AG in Darmstadt before joining T-Venture in 2007, which at the time was the venture capital branch of Telekom – a move that also kickstarted his career in venture capital. Gold has written a book titled ‘Silicon Valley Start-ups and Corporate Innovation’, which deals with approaches to resolving Innovator’s Dilemma. Gold returned with his family to live in Munich after having lived in the USA for 13 years.