Best Logistics Brand 2020: FIEGE takes the winning spot for contract logistics services

Readers and experts from "Logistik Heute" and "Bundesvereinigung Logistik" vote FIEGE into the top spot
FIEGE was the readers’ and experts’ first choice for Best Logistics Brand 2020 in the category of contract logistics. Logistik heute, a journal that covers the logistics industry, and Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), Germany’s logistics association, announced the results on 15 April. The awards ceremony held in Berlin was cancelled due to the coronavirus crisis, which is why FIEGE and all other winners received their respective award by post. 250 brands in total were nominated for the “Best Logistics Brand 2020” in twelve different categories.
“It honours us, and we are extremely thrilled about this distinction as the Best Logistics Brand 2020. Thank you to everyone that voted for us. This motivates us tremendously to continue on our path and further strengthen FIEGE as a brand which is positively perceived”, says Felix Fiege, who with his cousin, Jens Fiege run the company as its CEOs. “A big thank you goes to our employees, whose outstanding work made winning this award possible to begin with. Especially in these difficult times, it is a fantastic acknowledgement for the great achievements which our workforce delivers every single day”, Jens Fiege adds.

Foto: André Baschlakow/ Logistik Heute; Montage: Huss-Verlag
More information: Here is the article of Logistik Heute