FIEGE supports 2024 Special Olympics NRW in Münster

Between 22 and 25 May, over 1,800 athletes with a mental and multiple disabilities will be competing in Münster. The family business FIEGE lends its support to Germany’s biggest inclusive sports event of the year in more ways than one.
The Berg Fidel sports venue in Münster will be packed to the max on 22 May. On this day, over 1,800 athletes with a mental and multiple disabilities will be opening the fifth instalment of the Special Olympics North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) which will take place at the same venue where usually the volleyball players of USC Münster and basketball players of UBC Münster are cheered on. Münster is a first-time host of the games, and the competitions will be taking place across the entire city over a four-day period.
“When we were asked if we wanted to support the Special Olympics NRW which will be held here in Münster, our immediate response was: yes!”, says Martin Rademaker, Executive Board Member of the logistics company, FIEGE. “We are excited to be contributing to this special event together with other regional partners and companies, for these four days to be outstanding and packed with sportive feats and a festive fringe programme. These NRW games are not only relevant in relation to sports – they are also a valuable contribution on the pathway to an inclusive and more tolerant society. So of course we are thrilled to be on board!”

Thomas Wendt (centre), Special Olympics NRW-athlete and one of the faces of Landesspiele Münster; Christoph Mangelmans (l), member of the SC Preußen Münster presidium and Managing Director at FIEGE's Fashion & Lifestyle business unit; and Martin Rademaker, FIEGE Executive Board - seen here promoting the Special Olympics during SCP's home match against Saarbrücken. (Photo: Sebastian Sanders)
Next to financial backing, the 150-year-old family business from Greven will also be providing logistical help during the Special Olympics NRW. For example, storage area will be made available for everything required for the competitions in addition to transporting the beverages. Volunteer helpers will be provided and the transportation of office supplies for Special Olympics Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. based in Dortmund to the temporary office in Münster will be organised and carried out. Marc Albert, project head of the 2024 NRW games says: “The logistical effort behind the event is enormous and most likely much bigger than many realise. For this reason, we are extremely happy to have a partner by our side in FIEGE who not only provides funding but also actively supports and advises us on all things logistics.”
The competitions will be taking place from 22 until 25 May. 18 different sports in total are on the agenda, including badminton, basketball, beach volleyball, boccia, bowling, football, golf, handball, hockey, judo, athletics, cycling, roller-skating, horseback riding/ equestrian vaulting, swimming, dancing, tennis as well as table tennis – plus two exhibition sports, powerlifting and sailing. Admission to all competitions is free of charge.
For all the details about the event, go to