Honey and potatoes for a good cause

»für nierenkranke Kinder« e.V. is a Münster-based charity supporting children with kidney disease. The organisation was thrilled to receive a donation from the family business, FIEGE. The funds were donated by employees of the Greven-based logistics company as well as the company’s own foundation, the Josef Fiege Stiftung.
Financial help in order to give important help: The family business FIEGE from Greven has donated € 2,000 to the charity »für nierenkranke Kinder« e.V. in Münster. Martina Schlottbom, member of the executive committee of the company’s own foundation, the Josef Fiege Stiftung, handed a cheque to Dr Stefan Fründ, the charity’s chairman, who since 1990 has been offering psychosocial support and treatment to children and young people suffering from renal failure, who are dialysis-dependent, or who have undergone a kidney transplant.
Fründ outlines: “We are extremely pleased about this generous donation from FIEGE employees and the Josef Fiege Foundation. It is through donations like these that we are able to secure psychosocial counselling and support for children who are dialysis patients, as well as for their families.” To the charity, it is important to support the families through good and bad times, up until the sick child has reached adulthood, Fründ says. “It goes without saying that the sick child is always the focus of attention, but neither should one lose sight of the family. That is a very special concern for us.”
The funds have been donated largely by the FIEGE employees themselves. At the company’s headquarters in Greven, FIEGE’s own honey from its bees living in hives in front of the company’s head office was again sold for a good cause. On top of this, home-grown potatoes were sold at Christmas, also for a good cause. The company’s very own Josef Fiege Stiftung which is committed to social projects and facilities in the region, then rounded up the amount. Schlottbom adds: “The dedication shown by Mr Fründ and the charity »für nierenkranke Kinder« through the collaboration with the Münster Children’s Nephrology is highly impressive. I am very pleased that we were able to help the charity a little with our donation, and contribute a small part to ensure that children and families who are admitted here experience the best possible support even in difficult moments.”