Helping youth through laptop donation

FIEGE regularly donates IT equipment that it no longer needs to educational and social organisations. Now the Greven-based family business has handed over 46 laptops to three institutions from Münster that are involved in child and young welfare.
Digitalisation on the second educational past: FIEGE donated 46 laptops from the company's inventory to three social institutions from Münster. Ten devices went to the St. Mauritz Kinder und Jugendhilfe, six laptops to the association Lernen Fördern e.V. and 30 devices to Outlaw, a non-profit organisation for child and youth welfare. All laptops are fully functional, yet no longer used by the family business itself. The Josef Fiege Stiftung oversaw the refurbishment of the technology as well as the handover to the establishments.
Lennart Bülter from Outlaw's IT department says: “We are very grateful to FIEGE for the laptop donation. The devices will be distributed to our housing groups all over Germany and help us to become even more digital there. In the housing groups, the laptops can be used by the children and youngsters to write applications, do homework or participate in digital teaching opportunities. For many young people, this is a real door opener out of the socially deprived areas.“
Martina Schlottbom, Executive Committee Member of the Josef Fiege Stiftung, explains: ”We are happy that we were able to strengthen our cooperation with all three institutions in the course of the renewed laptop donation. And we are particularly pleased that the laptops will benefit young people and that we have also found a great solution for secondary use in terms of sustainability. After all, the laptops are still in top condition.”
Last winter, for example, 40 used laptops went to the Anne-Frank-Realschule, a secondary school in Greven. Furthermore, Petri & Eichen, Diakonische Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Bremen – a child and youth welfare organisation – was once again pleased to receive a IT donation from FIEGE last year.