Preußen Münster, FIEGE and Münster 4 Life take a stance for diversity

Special jersey, special message: SC Preußen Münster and FIEGE will be launching a limited-number, special edition jersey in collaboration with Münster 4 Life, to send a clear message ahead of the European elections taking place on 9 June. The maxim: Münster 4 Love.
SC Preußen Münster, FIEGE and Münster 4 Life are jointly taking a stance for diversity. Ahead of the European elections taking place on 9 June, the freshly promoted second division team and the Greven logistics company who has been the main sponsor of Preußen since 2020, have created a special jersey. Where FIEGE written in large letters usually graces the chest of the jersey, the limited-number, special edition reads ‘Münster 4 Love’ in a design that embraces the logo of the Münster 4 Life online platform. The campaign is rolled out with support from Preußen’s outfitter, JAKO.
“The idea for Münster 4 Love came about early in the year during the two big demos that took place in Münster against right-wing extremism and the New Year’s reception by the right-wing populist party, AfD”, says Fiege Executive Board Director, Martin Rademaker. “We are happy and proud at just how diverse and open Münster is – and we want this to stay this way. That’s why it was important to us to take a clear stance, with a view to the upcoming European elections: Compassion and tolerance are always a better solution than hate and inflammatory speech.”

Münster 4 Love: Preußen Münster, FIEGE and Münster 4 Life take a stance for diversity. (Photo: Münster 4 Life)
Ole Kittner, Managing Director Sport at SCP adds: “Sports unite people and must promote unity and tolerance. We want to live these central values every single day. It’s wonderful for us to be sending this message as one. Our thanks go to our partner, FIEGE who approached us with the idea for this campaign.” As Michael ‘Mike’ Schmitz, founder of Münster 4 Life explains: “Truth be told, our logo is sacred to us – but when Preußen and FIEGE asked whether we could see ourselves joining them for this campaign, we immediately said yes. All of us appreciate the cosmopolitan openness of our city and of the club. We have been happy to back this mindset with all the options available to us ever since we were founded.”
A limited number of these special jerseys are available from the Preußen online shop, or the SCP fan shop at Münster Arkaden.